2 Marzo 2023
Torino, 12th May 2023
This one day meeting reflects the need to approach the field of up-per limb assistive technology, in-cluding more complex interac-tions between humans and machi-nes (rehabilitation robotics), whi-le highlighting the relevance and importance of both basic and emerging technologies on ampu-tated limbs. The day will be dedi-cated to trying to take stock of the current possibilities for prosthetic replacement of the upper limb and what is actually available for the patient.
Bruno Battiston
28 Febbraio 2023
Torino 1-2 marzo 2023
Presidente: Dott. B. Battiston
Direttori: Dott.ssa E. Dutto, Dott. M. Ferrero
27 Febbraio 2023
Torino, 13-17 febbraio 2023
- 18 ore di teoria
- 18 ore di pratica
- 5 ore di chirurgia